- 21 Abr 20 Equipe universitária quer bater recorde mundial de velocidade. Um trio de pesquisadores franceses - Benoît Gaudiot, Mayeul van den Broek e Xavier Lepercq - estão traçando um caminho rumo ao estabelecimento de um novo recorde mundial de velocidade na navegação a vela até 2022.
- 14 Jan 20 INNOVATION FOR THE DATA ERA FPGA is an acronym for field programmable gate array—a semiconductor-integrated circuit where a large majority of the electrical functionality inside the device can be changed, even after the equipment has been shipped to customers out in the ‘field’.
- 13 Jan 20 Chip quântico 1.000 vezes menor promete segurança em aparelho portátil Com aproximadamente 3 mm de tamanho, o pequeno chip usa algoritmos de comunicação quântica para garantir a privacidade das comunicações.
- 13 Jan 20 Creating Flexible Hardware Systems with FPGA Partial Reconfiguration Partial Reconfiguration (PR) allows FPGAs to dynamically change modules without disrupting other parts of the design. This is a feature that FPGA vendors are building into their newer generations of FPGAs, allowing for increased flexibility and functional
- 17 Jun 19 Featured Employer View Open Positions
- 03 Ago 19 Sistemas Embarcados Qualificação Indústria 4.0
- 29 Mai 19 Where the Engineering Jobs Are in 2019 Georgia Tech’s engineering students are taking well-paying jobs in microelectronics, avionics, radar, robotics, consumer devices, and cybersecurity, among other fields.
- 14 Jun 19 Manufatura Integrada por Computador Qualificação em Indústria 4.0
- 12 Fev 19 Industria 4.0 nos Cursos de Engenharia Conselho Nacional de Educação aprova novas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para os cursos de Engenharia.
- 30 Jan 19 Why Smart Engineers Write Bad Code An industry insider explains why there is so much bad software—and why academia doesn't teach programmers what industry wants them to know.